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All in my step-by-step fast track
to success FREE email course
Stop believing these 3 LIES if you want to live your soft life!
Sign up & get the course sent right to your email for FREE!
Let's talk about who a soft life is NOT for and what it takes to live it.
DAY #2
In this 3 day email course, 

let's debunk the myths keeping you from living your soft life PLUS learn to use the #1 tool to reclaim your time & energy
And finally let's talk HOW to build a soft life.
DAY #3
Let's talk about what a soft life is and who it's for.
DAY #1
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2019
Rashidat O Limited Co.
Want to learn my secrets?
Founder & CEO, Rashidat provides workaholics with a tangible framework to build their soft life.

After working as a technical designer in corporate America and an international missionary in the church, Rashidat ventured on her own using entrepreneurship as her pathway to freedom of time & energy, money, location, & lifestyle to ditch toxic cultures of proving herself so that she could create her soft life. From helping others learn to work less and live more so they too can live their soft life, Rashidat has helped many addicted to work find peace of mind.

Her most notable accolade is being able to be present when her goddaughters were born and having the lifestyle freedom to spend months with friends and family anywhere in the world at any time without having to ask for time off.
Recovering Workaholic & Your Dream Strategist
Who is Rashidat Odeyemi?